Xi'an Broad Yard International Training School

Registered Date: April. 2005

Registered Capital: RMB 100,000

Enterprise Property: Private non-enterprise organization

Industry Category: Education(Training School

Outsourcing Type: Service Outsourcing Training, Professional courses of Business

Administration, Public Administration, Data Analysis, Financial

Outsourcing, Call Centre, Customer Service, Professional

English etc

Number of Employees: 51

Main Market: UK, America

Xi'an Broad Yard International Training School(abbreviated as Broad Yard) speclalizes in providing first class education and training road Yard services for the foreign-funded and the outsourcing companies. Being Pearson LCCI China Training Base, Broad Yard takes advantage of the courses and the educational resources of LCCI UK, offers courses on customer service, call center, financial outsourcing and IT professional English for BPO (business process outsourcing), KPO Knowledge Process Outsourcing) posts, and actively promotes the development of outsourcing industry. It has sufficient teaching resources and rich experiences accumulated through many years services for worldwide outsourcing companies. And it has already trained many urgently needed talents for many companies, and contributed a lot to the perfection of the companies' customer care system and stronger ability to develop business.

Broad Yard become one of training schools accredited by Xi' an Software Park for the ining of candidates for outsourcing service for several years. It was accepted by Xi'an Software Service Outsourcing Vocational Education Group as a member in 2009, and was Project in continually honored with Top Ten Edt ducation Brand, 'Most Inn tive Educatie Shaanxi Educational Training Agencies and 'Advanced Unit in Private Educational Institutes inhu District'.

Basing on its many years promotion of international qualifications, Broad Yard also manages to promote international courses, international examinations and services for going abroad for world famous international organizations. It has accumulated rich experiences in the international foundation programs and is qualified to provide related services for the foreign educational organizations that wish to further their business in China. Till now,more than 100 students trained by Broad Yard have successfully entered universities in foreign countries, and Broad Yard has become one of the organizations providing service of going abroad for universities in US, UK, Australia, Singapore and so on.

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