Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement and Test (BOIMT)

Founded in 1985, Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement and Test (BOIMT) is a specialized metrological institute subordinated to the Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST).

The Institute is the first standard metering station in electricity of Science and Technology Industry of National Defense. The calibration services of the institute mainly engage electromagnetic, radio, time and frequency, geometrical, thermal, mechanics, vacuum, etc. Metrology service and product development for national defense technology industry, military system and aerospace industry are also the scope of the Instiute. In addition, great contributions had been dedicated to the development of the national defense science & technology industry and the aerospace industry, represented by "Shenzhou Series", "Tiangong Series" and "Beidou Series".

BOIMT is a training unit for doctor and master students as it offers a first-level discipline of “Master of Instrument Science and Technology” approved by the state. Currently there are 17 doctoral tutors, master tutors and academic leaders, and the Institute has extensive contacts with domestic and foreign technology and academic groups.

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