Shaanxi Animation Industry Platform Management Center, Ltd.

Shaanxi Animation Industry Platform

Management Center, Ltd.

In order to comply with the policy guidance of developing cultural creative industries and modern service industries,under the leadership of Party Committee and government departments at all levels in Xi'an,the Xi'an Beilin Science and Technology Industrial Park has considered the Animation and software service outsourcing as the key and direction of development of the industry,and also adjusted and optimized the industrial structures.In December 2008, the Xi'an Beilin Animation Industry Platform is officially incorporated.In April 2010,the"Xi'an Beilin Animation Industry Platform"became the"Shaanxi Animation Industry Platform",which approved by the Shaanxi's Animation Industry Development Leading Team.

The Platform set"To build a national animation industry base,to upgrade service outsourcing industry demonstration zone" as strategic objectives,and established six major infrastructures included the public technical service;training education;project planning&operation;project investment&financing;product release &transaction;international communication&cooperation.In this way,the Platform has created the favorable development environment and provided professional and comprehensive service for enterprises. Over the years,the animation and service outsourcing enterprises has continued to gather and grow.It has now covered diversified industrial,which included but not limited to stop-motion animation, 2D and 3D movie animation making: 3D technology development and application; game development; multimedia display; animationeducation;3G-based value-added service operation.An industrial chain,which cuts across creative planning; manufacture;professional training service;copyright protection;derivative product development,has basically formed.

The Platform has become one of the most development potential cultural and creative industrial clusters inShaanxi.The Platform has been successively appraised as Demonstration Park of Service Outsourcing in Xi'an; Demonstration Unit in Cultural Industry of Shaanxi;Shaanxi Science and technology business incubator;it was listed as one of the six innovation clusters in Xi'an,a pilot city for national comprehensive reform in serviceindustry -Animation Industry Cluster,first batch of National Business Incubation Demonstration Unit-Shaanxi Animation Industry Business Incubation Unit;first batch of Xi'an National Culture and Technology Integration Demonstration Unit.

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