Xi' an Tong Ying software technology occupation training school

Registered Date: June 3rd 2009

Registered Capital: RMB 300,000

Enterprise Property: Private non enterprise unit

Industry Category: Application software Services (6012)

Outsourcing Type: IT Outsourcing Services(ITO)

Number of Employees: 18

Main Market: China

Xi'an Tong Ying software technology occupation training school (hereinafter referred to as Tong Ying software /was approved of establishment by Xi'an city human resources and Social Security Bureau, and registered as a social power institution by Xi'an City Civil Affairs Bureau. This schools recruits all kinds of colleges and universities computer related professional graduates, graduates andIT industry practitioners. This school provides courses of 5 to 6 months for students to get perfect software programming knowledge, to improve software development skills and to enrich experiences in actual projects as well as to improve personal comprehensive quality at all levels with the shortest time and least cost. It builds the bridge between employees and companies, and help students realize the IT dreams.

Since its inception in 2008, Tong Ying software has trained more than 5000 students, respectively, participated in. Net, Java, Android, database technology training graduate students are walking on software and technical posts, located in Beijing Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Nanjing, Xian.

Tong Ying software in the process of running, pays great attention to and the business cooperation and provide intership for college students, graduation design and replacement of courses cooperative task, to establish a good relationship of cooperation.

In 2009, Xi'an Tong Ying won the Xi'an high tech Zone Software Park identified training institutions.

In 2009, Xi'an Tong Ying won the Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Commerce approve software outsourcing services.

In 2011, Xi'an Tong Ying won the Xi'an City Service Outsourcing association.

In 2012, Xi'an Tong Ying won the top ten training institutions in Xi'an city.

Shall not be reproduced without permission:ZHLL.COM » Xi' an Tong Ying software technology occupation training school