YzmCMS Content Management System official website download

YzmCMS Content Management System official website download
  • Category: CMS
  • Added: 2024-07-02
  • Hits:
  • URL: https://www.yzmcms.com/xiazai/
  • Description:
  • Why develop YzmCMS when there are so many open source CMS products on the internet? Although there are so many open source products online, some of them only have implemented their functions, some have redundant code, poor scalability and performance, some are bulky and bulky, and some even involve copyright and other factors. In short, there is no product that looks satisfactory. Therefore, I decided to build a lightweight, efficient, and open source CMS - YzmCMS content management system.

    YzmCMS does not rely on any other framework and is entirely built by a self-developed framework (YZMPHP). Of course, it also draws on the advantages of many excellent products and strives to create a CMS system with its own characteristics. The original intention of developing this system is to have powerful functions, simple source code, clean, and no redundancy. Moreover, it also strives for the best system security, scalability, and maintenance!

    YzmCMS has been under development since 2014 and has never stopped updating. Up to now, more than 40 versions have been released and updated. According to incomplete statistics, as of the beginning of 2023, the number of websites using YzmCMS for online operation has exceeded 100000, and the number of program downloads has exceeded 500000. Each version brings together their own efforts, striving to move forward and keep up with the times in the release of each product version.

    Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those friends who have been silently supporting us behind the scenes. YzmCMS will definitely continue to improve!

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