China Business Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.

  • Country: China
  • Category: Import and export trade
  • Added: 2023-12-22
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  • China Business Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.
  • Description:
  • In 2001, China National Commercial Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. was registered and established in the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. In 2005, strategic investors and employees were recruited to form a mixed-ownership enterprise. After more than ten years of reform and exploration, a single trading company transited to the diversified development of international trade, independent brands, real economy and capital operation was initially realized. As of 2017, the three major business sectors of the China National Commercial Foreign Trade Group are: new trading, new entities and new finance, which involves grain, oil, sugar, tobacco, wine,  fast-moving products and manufacturing, commercial real estate and professional market management service, and capital securities and other investment areas.

    New Trading: China National Commercial New Tone Trading  Co., Ltd.; China National Commercial Trade (Singapore) Co., Ltd.

    New entity: China Commerce Sugar Co., Ltd. (its own brand "Sweet Man"); China National Commercial Tobacco Group Co., Ltd. (its own brand "Yumao"); Beijing-Tianjin Sugar Co., Ltd.; China National Commercial (Tianjin) Logistics Co., Ltd.; Beijing China National Commercial Ande Real Estate Co., Ltd.; ACIP Development Pty Ltd; China National Commercial  Tianyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

    New Finance: Junzhi Capital Management Co., Ltd.

    Shall not be reproduced without permission:ZHLL.COM » China Business Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.