Techno Food Ingredients Co., Ltd.

  • Country: China
  • Category: Agriculture & Food
  • Added: 2024-03-11
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  • Techno Food Ingredients Co., Ltd.
  • Description:
  • In 2003, Techno was founded by a team of experts who have been engaged in the food ingredients industry for over 35 years. With the aim of providing the best food and nutraceutical ingredients to the world, Techno Food Ingredients has become sucralose and sweeteners pioneer manufacturer in China after 19 years of development. We also play an important role in ingredient innovation for the high-end healthcare industry.

    What you can expect

    No need to compromise on product quality

    No need to fuss about stable long term supply

    Saving you money, time, and extra energy

    Techno, in touch with tomorrow

    Headquarters, Manufacturing Facility

    Techno Food Ingredients Co., Ltd.

    1399 Nige Industrial Park,

    Yongan Fujian 366000


    Phone: +86-0598-513-7005

    Fax: +86-0598-366-6567


    Shall not be reproduced without permission:ZHLL.COM » Techno Food Ingredients Co., Ltd.