CAS Beijing Haner Aviation Service Co., Ltd.

  • Country: China
  • Category: Service
  • Added: 2024-09-14
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  • CAS Beijing Haner Aviation Service Co., Ltd.
  • Description:
  •  CAS Beijing Haner Aviation Service Co., Ltd (CAS Haner jets) Created in 2008 on March, it belongs to the China Aviation Supplies Holding Company. It has been specialized in aircraft internal and external cleaning business for many years and wholeheartedly provides customers with safe, efficient and high-quality services. At present, the company has 47 formal employees, with an average age of 29 years old. All employees have been trained through the company's quality system, and have been re-trained all the year round, and have been managed with the CCAR145 quality system.

    CAS Beijing Haner Aviation Service Co., Ltd.(图1)

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